
Món Kriskadecor

Kriskadecor és sinònim de creativitat i imaginació. Amb les nostres cadenes d'alumini anoditzat pots desenvolupar qualsevol tipus de solució de disseny: separadors d'espai, recobriments de paret, elements d'il·luminació, sostres… I, com cada projecte té la seva pròpia personalitat, t'acompanyarem durant tot el procés perquè el resultat superi totes les teves expectatives.

Design options for space renovation

We create all kinds of structures adapted to the project or space: dividers, ceilings, wallcovering, interior and exterior cladding, lighting elements... The client can choose from a wide palette of colours, as well as fixed or mobile hanging systems that are easy to install as they do not require specialized personnel. We can even reproduce any type of image, pattern, or signpost thanks to our in-house technology.

Design options for space renovation

Design solutions with chain curtains

Since aluminium is extremely versatile and lightweight, the limit for the use of chain curtains is in the imagination of each customer. The company develops projects in hotels and restaurants, corporate offices, public spaces such as museums and airports, shops, shopping centres, fairs, events, and private residences around the world. The high level of customization will facilitate its aesthetic integration in any project.

Design solutions with chain curtains

Design solutions with metal mesh

Since aluminum is extremely versatile and lightweight, the limit for the use of metal mesh is in the imagination of each customer. The company develops projects in hotels and restaurants, corporate offices, public spaces such as museums and airports, shops, shopping centers, fairs, events and private residences around the world.

Design solutions with metal mesh

Design solutions with metal curtains

Since aluminum is extremely versatile and lightweight, the limit for the use of metal curtains is in the imagination of each customer. The company develops projects in hotels and restaurants, corporate offices, public spaces such as museums and airports, shops, shopping centers, fairs, events and private residences around the world.

Design solutions with metal curtains

Room separators with aluminum links

Kriskadecor's versatile metal mesh has a great impact on interior design. We can create space dividers using just one colour, several colours or even an image reproduction. In addition, the size, shape and fixing system are also customisable. Room separators have never been so refreshing.

Room separators with aluminum links

Wall dividers with aluminuim links

Kriskadecor's versatile metal mesh has a great impact on interior design. We can create wall dividers using just one colour, several colours or even an image reproduction. In addition, the size, shape and fixing system are also customizable. Room separators have never been so refreshing.

Wall dividers with aluminuim links

Room partitions with aluminium links

Kriskadecor's versatile metal mesh has a great impact on interior design. We can create wall dividers using just one colour, several colours or even an image reproduction. In addition, the size, shape and fixing system are also customisable. Room partitions have never been so refreshing.

Room partitions with aluminium links